3-Year Anniversary & My First Live On-Line Training Class In 3 Years
Sep 19, 2017
Some of my blog posts (most of them, in fact) focus on teaching you some technical content or offer career advice. But, sometimes, I just need to share a major milestone with you. That’s what I’m doing in this post (actually, a couple of major milestones), and I hope you can (virtually) celebrate with me.
The first milestone is my 3-year anniversary of being in business full-time as Kevin Wallace Training, LLC. Specifically, on Sept. 26, 2014, I walked away from my 14-year position as an instructor for a Cisco Learning Partner (CLP) to run my own business.
During the past three years, I’ve released a ton of training videos. However, I hadn’t actually taught a live online class, allowing me to interact with participants. That all changed this month, which brings us to the second milestone.
Earlier this week (I’m writing this on 9/15/17), I wrapped up my first live-online training class in about three years. I was given the opportunity to to teach a CCNA R/S Crash Course. The course was a total of 16 hours (for hours a day, for two days a week, for two weeks). The interest and engagement blew me away. There were 403 people that signed up for the first week of class, and we cranked through the big topics on the CCNA R/S (200-125) exam.
If you were one of those in attendance, please accept my thank you for entrusting me with your time and attention, and for bringing your A game to the training. (The amount of questions and comments was insane!)
Another reason I wanted to share this is… I’m doing it again next month!
That’s right. On October 4th and 5th (from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time), I’ll be doing Part 1 of the CCNA R/S Crash Course. Then, on October 11th and 12th, I’ll be doing Part 2 of that course.
Here’s the agenda for both parts of the course:
Part 1:
DAY 1 (10/4/17)
- Segment 1: Fundamentals of Networking (2hrs)
- Segment 2: LAN Switching (2hrs)
DAY 2 (10/5/17)
- Segment 3: IP Routing (3hrs)
- Segment 4: Wide Area Networks (WANs) (1hr)
Part 2:
DAY 1 (10/11/17)
- Segment 5: Network Services (2hrs)
- Segment 6: Securing Network Devices (2hrs)
DAY 2 (10/12/17)
- Segment 7: Network Management (3.5hrs)
- Segment 8: Final Preparation (30mins)
I’d love it if you could join me next month for this live event. Here are the links to register (TIP: Be sure to register for both Part 1 and Part 2):
- Click HERE to Register for CCNA R/S (200-125) Crash Course - Part 1
- Click HERE to Register for CCNA R/S (200-125) Crash Course - Part 2
By the way, I just checked, and both parts are about half full. So, please secure your spot now.
Of course, you might be wondering how much this costs. Well, the great news is, if you already have an existing Safari Books Online account, there’s no extra cost! It’s included with your membership. (On a side note, I really think having a Safari Books Online account is one of the best values for IT professionals out there today, because you get access to a ton of online books and videos.)
In fact, you can sign up for a FREE 10-day trial by clicking HERE.
So, you could sign up on or before Oct. 1st, and attend Part 1 of the training for free (assuming there are still seats available at that time).
Let me just wrap up with a heartfelt thank you for your encouragement and trust over the past three years, and I hope we can spend some time together in class next month.
All the best,
Kevin Wallace, CCIEx2 (R/S and Collaboration) #7945